Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Recovery is going well but these kids are wearing me out!

Sam had his tonsils out on Monday, and thankfully, he is recuperating well. He's eating and drinking pretty well, and not having too much pain. The pain meds (liquid Lortab) are not making him nauseated, which is a good thing, but it is making him a bit hyper. Like bouncing off the walls all day yesterday, according to Mom and Dad. That's not too big a deal, until you couple it with the fact that Ellen has decided that she wants to change her own diapers, and then things get a little dicey. See, she soiled her diaper today and instead of waiting for me to change her she took it upon herself to remove her pants, wrestle off her diaper, and get poo all over herself and the floor. When I caught her she was trying to climb up the side of the changing table, presumably to get a wipe and clean herself up! Needless to say, they are keeping me pretty busy today, but that's ok. I'm getting to spend Christmas Eve with two of my favorite people!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Oh yuck!!! Samuel had a similar experience once!! That is awful when they take off their own diapers!! Glad to hear Sam is doing better. Merry Christmas to you guys!!