Monday, December 22, 2008

Goodbye tonsils, hello ice cream!

So today was the big day. . . Sam had his tonsils out today. I talked with him over the weekend a little bit, and explained what would be happening and why. It is not easy to explain surgery to a 3 year old in a way that he can understand. Sam was really brave about it though. He was super good about not eating or drinking anything this morning, especially considering that it was about 9 a.m. before he went to surgery.

He did really well during the procedure (so saith the doc) and when he came back to the room where we were waiting for him he was all sleepy and pitiful looking, but not complaining about pain or anything. He really didn't want anything except to be left alone to sleep. After we got home he ate some rainbow sherbet, which is his favorite frozen treat, and then fell asleep sitting up on the couch. I put him in my bed and the two of us took a good long nap, and when he woke up he wanted two things -- more ice cream and The Polar Express.

I have been reminded today of how very thankful I am for two things. Number one is the good health of my children. Yeah, they get sick from time to time with the usual childhood ailments, but thank God, we do not spend tons of time sitting in doctors' offices and surgery clinics waiting for treatment. So many parents are not that fortunate. And secondly, I am so appreciative of the family that we have, who are willing to look after Ellen today so that we can focus on caring for Sam, and who will be coming tomorrow to watch after both children while Anthony and I go to work. I honestly don't know what we'd do without them.

And that, friends and neighbors, is about all I have to say for now. Kiss your children and be grateful for their health.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Aww... he looks so pitiful in that picture. We have been very fortunate with our children's health, also. We have had bouts where we've had minor surgeries or something, but nothing that serious. I think the times where we have had a scare have made us more appreciative of good health when it is there. And of our families who are always there to help. Hope little Sammy Whammy is healed up soon and ready for Santa!!