Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Taylor Ann

So, the big news for our family is the arrival of my beautiful niece, Taylor. She was born November 7 at 4:07 p.m., weighing 6 lbs 15 ozs, and 20 inches long. She has big dark eyes, sweet rosy lips, and a gorgeous dimple (so I hear; I haven't seen her yet because my brother lives 4 hours away. Yes, it stinks.) For those who may not have heard, she was also born missing 3 fingers from her left hand. This was (as you can imagine) a surprise to everyone, but her doctor tells us that it is a result of something called Amniotic Band Syndrome, which is a rare but not unheard of condition that occurs in utero. You can read all about it here . Thankfully Taylor is a healthy baby and I am confident that the missing fingers won't have too great an impact on her life overall. Brad tells me that she can use that hand pretty well already, and other than having her days and nights mixed up, she is a perfect baby. We are all so thankful that she is here and that she and Gayle are doing well.

Look at that face. Isn't she a beauty?

1 comment:

Kelli said...

She is absolutely gorgeous!! Although it does seem weird to me that Brad is old enough to have a family!! Boy I am getting old!!!